Getting Started with React Development

Getting Started with React Development


2 min read

What is React?

React is a Most popular FrontEnd JavaScript Library used for building user interfaces. Software developer at Meta Jordan Walke developed React, and he first published an early version of it under the name "FaxJS." XHP, a PHP framework for HTML components, inspired him. In 2011 it was introduced to Facebook's News Feed, and in 2012 it was introduced to Instagram.

npx create-react-app

There is not a single reason for React's popularity. It has several reasons that make it so popular. Here are some ...

Component-based Architecture:

By dividing complicated user interfaces (UIs) into smaller, reusable components, developers can build more complex UIs using React's component-based design. As a result, scaling and maintaining the software becomes simpler.

Virtual DOM:

Quickly updates the UI using a virtual DOM. A React app updates the virtual DOM first when a user engages with it, and then React determines how few changes are required to update the actual DOM. The software is now quicker and more efficient as a result. React


React can be used with a variety of programming languages and frameworks, and can be integrated with other libraries and tools. This flexibility makes it easier to adopt React into an existing codebase or to build new projects from scratch.

Large community:

React has a large and active community of developers who contribute to open-source libraries and tools, provide support and guidance, and share best practices. This makes it easier for developers to learn and use React, and to find solutions to common problems.

Difference Between Vanilla JavaScript and React

In Simple HTML and JS we first create a Basic structure with HTMl and style it with css then we add functionality Using JS but with react we don't write HTML and JS separeltly instead we write .jsx file which is almost HTML but with some speacial functionality like writing js inside it.

React Function BasedComponent

import React from 'react'
const ReactDemo = () => {
    return (
        <div className="React">
            <h4>welcome to the React Developement</h4>
export default ReactDemo

Conclusion :

At the end Learning React will become your best and Most profitable decision. The Demand for React Developers is on its peek . We will discuss more about react in the coming blogs.


Blog by : RahulB
